Thursday, July 19, 2007

sharing the good news

are you a bashful christian, one who is afraid to speak up for your Saviour? do you allow others to share their testimonies while you stand on the sidelines, reluctant to share yours? after HIS resurrection, JESUS addressed HIS disciples: "But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain that Jesus had designated. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful. And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of age." " (Matt 28:16-20)

Christ's great commission applies to christians of every generation, including our own. as believers, we are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our families, with our neighbors, and with the world. yet many of us are slow to obey the last commandment of the risen Christ; we simply don't do our best to "make disciples of all nations." although our personal testimonies are vitally important, we sometimes hesitate to share our experiences. and that's unfortunate.

Billy Graham observed, "Our faith grows by expression. If we want to keep our faith, we must share it." if you are a follower of Christ, the time to express your belief in HIM is now. you know how Jesus has touched your heart; help HIM do the same for others. you must do likewise, and you must do so today. tomorrow may indeed be too late.

remember this: don't be embarrassed to discuss your faith-you need not have attended seminary to have worthwhile opinions about your faith. express those opinions, to those that are around you, you school mates, college friends, neighbors, cousins and family. have a great day all of you !!!

quote of the day:

"The glory of God, and, as our only means of glorifying Him, the salvation of human souls, is the real business of life." by C.S.Lewis

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