Thursday, January 17, 2008


if you saw an elderly lady struggling to get her groceries into her car, what would you do? you'd help her of course, right? making someone's burden a little lighter by putting some of it on yourself is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. the things you do for free usually turn out to be the most valuable, they'll stay with you a lot longer than the things you are paid to do.

helpfulness is a habit that is developed, just like in-line skating or riding a motorcycle. start small, offer your place in line to the person behind you, pick up the gum wrapper in the aisle at the store, take a turn doing the supper dishes at home.

then move up a notch, offer to baby-sit for a friend or a relative (like me lah, hehehehe), paint the house of the needy, take a shift working in the kitchen at a homeless shelter, do maintenance work on the car of a single mum, volunteer to be a camp counselor, and many many more.

if you hear the word "help", dun just sit or stand there and do nothing, answer the call, give that someone a helping hand whenever needed. have a nice day all of you!!!

quote of the day:

"You can hardly become greedy or selfish when you are busily sharing what you have with others." by Steve Weber

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