Tuesday, May 1, 2007

at home in God's church

happy labors day everyone.....hope all of you have an enjoyable break today....coming back to todays topic. it was written in the book of Acts where Luke reminded us to "feel the church of God" (20:28). as christians who have been saved by a loving, compassionate God, we are compelled not only to worship HIM in our hearts but also to worship HIM in the presence of fellow believers.

we live in a world that is teeming with temptations and distractions-a world where good and evil struggle in a constant battle to win our hearts and soul. our challenge, of course, is to ensure that we cast our lot on the side of God. one way to ensure that we do so is by the practice of regular, purposeful worship with our families (bros and sis in christ). when we worship God faithfully and fervently, we are blessed. when we fail to worship God, we forfeit the spiritual gifts that HE intends for us.

the church belongs to God and not anyone else; it is HIS just as certainly as we are HIS. when we help build God's church, we bear witness to the changes that HE made in our lives.

today and everyday, let us worship God with grateful hearts and helping hands as we support the church that HE has created. let us witness to our friends, to our families, and to the world. when we do so, we bless others-and we are blessed by the ONE who sent HIS Son to die so that we might have eternal life.

so......make church a celebration, not an obligation (a lot of ppl is doing this nowadays): your attitude towards church is important, in part, because it is contagious.....so celebrate accordingly. good day all of you !!

quote of the day :

"Every time a new person comes to God, every time someone's gifts find expression in fellowship of believers, every time a family in need is surrounded by the caring church, the truth is affirmed anew: the Church triumphant is alive and well." by Gloria Gaither

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