Thursday, April 26, 2007

living with the Living Word

hope that all is fine so far for all of you out there, seems to be a lot of things happening in our country, some are positive and some towards the negative side....but guess goes on and we need to move on. however, if at anytime anyone of you feel down or depressed, there is one source that you can go to. this source never changes, IT is always on the positive side and IT is fully dependable and reliable. even all of God's promises are found in IT. this is none other than the Holy Bible.

the Bible is a road map for life here on earth and for life eternal. as christians, we are called upon to trust its promises, to follow its commandments, and to share its good news.

as believers, we must study the Bible each day and meditate upon its meaning for our lives. otherwise, we deprive ourselves of a priceless gift from our Creator. God's Holy Word is, indeed, a transforming, life-changing, one-of-a-kind treasure. trust me, there is no book on earth that comes anywhere near to this Book.

God has made promises to mankind and to you. God's promises never fail and they never grow old. you must trust those promises and share them with your family, with your friends, and with the whole world.

so....are you standing on the promises of God? are you expecting God to do wonderful things, or are you living beneath a cloud of apprehension and doubt? u know....somewhere in the Bible in the book of Psalms (118:24), it reminds us of a profound yet simple truth: "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." (KJV) do you trust that promise, and do you live according to that promise? if so, you are living the passionate life that God intends. if not, then you really got to go to God and HIS Word and ask for revelation and conviction in your life.

for passionate believers, everyday begins and ends with God's Son and God's promises. when we accept Christ into our hearts, God promises us the opportunity for earthly peace and spiritual abundance. but more importantly, God promises us the priceless gift of eternal life.

as we face the inevitable challenges of life here on earth. we must arm ourselves with the promises of God's Holy Word. when we do, we can expect the best, not only for the day ahead, but also for all eternity. good day all of you !!

quote of the day:

"To say the Bible is infallible and inerrant is to declare that Scripture is totally trustworthy. Consequently, we must approach the text humbly and expectantly, open to being taught by the Spirit." by Stanley Grenz

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