Thursday, June 14, 2007

the right kind of fear

are you a christian who possesses a healthy; fearful respect for God's power? hopefully so. after all, God's Word teaches that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Pro 1:7)

when you fear the Creator-and when you honor HIM by obeying HIS commandments-you will receive God's approval and HIS blessings. but, if you ignore HIM and disobey HIS commandments, you invite disastrous consequences.

God's hand shapes the universe, and it shapes our lives. God maintains absolute sovereignty over HIS creation, and HIS power is beyond comprehension. as believers, we must cultivate a sincere respect for God's awesome power. the fear of the Lord is, indeed, the surest form of wisdom.

in the book of Exodus, God warns that we should place no gods before HIM. yet all too often, we place our Lord second, third, or fourth place as we worship the gods pride, greed, power, or lust.

when we place our desire for material possessions above our love for God-or when we yield to temptations of the flesh-we find ourselves engaged in a struggle that is similar to the one JESUS faced when HE was tempted by satan. in the wilderness, satan offered JESUS earthly power and unimaginable riches, but JESUS turned satan away and chose instead to worship God. we must seek to imitate Christ by putting God first and worshiping only HIM.

is God your top priority? have you given HIS Son you heart, your soul, your talents, and your time? or are you in the habit of giving God little more that a few hours on sunday morning? the answer to these questions will determine how you prioritize your days and your life.

so today, as you face the realities of everyday life, remember this: until you acquire a healthy fear of God's power, your education is incomplete, and so is your faith. have a nice day !!!

quote of the day:

"The remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God, you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God, you fear everything else." by Oswald Chambers

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