Thursday, June 7, 2007

a passion for life

hi all, skipped blogging for a few days as i was in melaka for a church camp. had a great speaker, and everything was great. i just thought that the schedule was a bit packed but anyways, doesn't really matter, will be looking forward towards the next camp.

well, let's talk about passion for life. have you discovered a life's work that excites you? are you passionate about your school, college, uni, work and church? have you discovered something that makes you wanna hop out of bed in the morning and get into whatever that you are involved in? and does that "something" make the world-your world-a better place? if so, thank God everyday for that blessing.

if you have not yet discovered anything that blesses you and your world, don't allow yourself to become discouraged. instead, keep searching and keep trusting that with God's help, you can-and will-find a meaningful way to serve your neighbors and your God.

the old adage is both familiar and true; we must pray as if everything depended upon God, but work as if everything depended upon us. yet sometimes, when we find ourselves laboring in jobs that we don't enjoy, we may become lackadaisical (cool word ler, i just learnt it, hehehehehehe) about our responsibilities. God has other intentions. God expects us to work diligently and enthusiastically for the thing we need (2 Thes 3:10 and Col 3:23)

so, are you willing to work diligently for yourself, for your family, and for your God? and are you willing to engage in work that is pleasing to your Creator? if so, you can expect your Heavenly Father to bring forth a rich harvest.

and if you have concerns about any aspect of your life, take those concerns to God in prayer. HE will guide your steps, HE will steady your hand, HE will calm your fears, and HE will reward your efforts.

remember this: involve yourself in activities that you can support wholeheartedly and enthusiastically. it's easier to celebrate life when you are passionately involved in life. so go get a life and be passionate about it. God bless and have a nice day all of you !!!

quote of the day:

"You don't have to advertise a fire. Get on fire for God and the world will come to watch you burn." by John Wesley

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