the noted american theologian Phillips Brooks advised, "Be such a man, and live such a life, that
if every man were such as you, and every life a life like yours, this earth would be God's Paradise." one tangible way to make the world a more godly place is to spread kindness wherever we go.
for christian believers, kindness is not an option, it is a commandment. in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus declares, "In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets." (Matt 7:12). Jesus did not say, "In some things, treat people as you wish to be treated." and HE did not say, "From time to time, treat other with kindness." but what Jesus said is that we should treat others as we wish to be treated in EVERYTHING and AT ALL TIMES. this, of course, is a tall order indeed, but as christians, we are commanded to do our best.
today, as you consider all the thing that Christ has done in your lives, honor HIM by being a little kinder than necessary. honor HIM by slowing down long enough to say an extra word of encouragement to someone who needs it. honor HIM by picking up the phone and calling a distant friend.....for no reason other than to say, "hi, how are you? i was just thinking of you, that's why i called." honor Christ by following HIS commandment ad obeying the Golden Rule. HE expects no less, and HE deserves no less.
even as we celebrate our beloved country's 50th independence day, go and show kindness to our fellow countrymen irregardless of race, culture and religion. Christ came and loved the whole world, not just selected people but everyone. we must also do the same, don't just reserve acts of kindness to our loved one and fellow christians, but also to the rest of the people around our lives. this is how we become a good testimony for God. have a nice day all of you Happy Merdeka Day !!!
quote of the day:
"When you extend hospitality to others, you're not trying to impress people, you're trying to reflect God to them." by Max Lucado
Friday, August 31, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
know where you're going
one summer, 2 sisters decided to take a bike trip. they packed a few sandwiches, bottled water, and some oreos in their backpacks, and off they went down a country road near their house. they peddled fast, laughed, and stopped at each creek to throw rocks in the water. riding on a little bit farther, one rider suddenly stopped and asked, "by the way, where are we going?"
her sister replied, "i don't know, i thought you knew!"....."well, if we don't know where we're going, how will we know when we get there?" the rider responded.
life is a lot like that. you'll never get where you want to go unless you decide where it is you want to go. so, what's your mission? college? career? family? before you start the trip, think about your destination. then think about going in the right direction and about the route you're going to take. and be sure to pack your backpack! if you want to go somewhere, be sure to know where you're going ! have a nice day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"If you don't know where you're going, you're likely to end up some place else." by Yogi Berra
her sister replied, "i don't know, i thought you knew!"....."well, if we don't know where we're going, how will we know when we get there?" the rider responded.
life is a lot like that. you'll never get where you want to go unless you decide where it is you want to go. so, what's your mission? college? career? family? before you start the trip, think about your destination. then think about going in the right direction and about the route you're going to take. and be sure to pack your backpack! if you want to go somewhere, be sure to know where you're going ! have a nice day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"If you don't know where you're going, you're likely to end up some place else." by Yogi Berra
Thursday, August 23, 2007
ever heard of this? "if you're going to score, you gotta aim high!" anyways, here's a story for was the last game of the tournament. time was running out, and the score was tied. one of the players took the ball up the left side of the court, calling out the final play: a pick 'n' roll designed to put the ball in the hands of the teams best player. but when he set a pick for his teammate, no one switched, leaving a wide-open lane to the basket.
as the seconds fell, the player ducked his head and drove the lane, shooting just in time. the ball slowly rose, the hit the bottom of the rim. as the players watched, they remembered the words of their coach: "To score, you gotta' aim high off the backboard." the player had all the right moves, but he missed because he didn't aim high enough.
that coach's advice works in every area of life. if you want to reach your goals, you have to aim high. set goals that are reachable, but set them high enough that you have to stretch to reach them. if you can dream it, you probably can do it. have an nice day !!!
quote of the day:
"The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment of excellence." by Tom Landry
as the seconds fell, the player ducked his head and drove the lane, shooting just in time. the ball slowly rose, the hit the bottom of the rim. as the players watched, they remembered the words of their coach: "To score, you gotta' aim high off the backboard." the player had all the right moves, but he missed because he didn't aim high enough.
that coach's advice works in every area of life. if you want to reach your goals, you have to aim high. set goals that are reachable, but set them high enough that you have to stretch to reach them. if you can dream it, you probably can do it. have an nice day !!!
quote of the day:
"The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment of excellence." by Tom Landry
my new born son
hi all, haven't been updating my blog recently, been busy running around with the birth of my second son Isaias. anyways, now that everything is beginning to settle writing will commence soon....anyways, do enjoy this pic below, something very nice that a friend sent to me recently. makes you see the wonder of God's creation.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
making forgiveness a high priority
do you value the role that forgiveness can play in your life? hopefully so. but even if you're a dedicated believer, you may have a difficult time forgiving those who may have hurt you. if you're one of those folks who, despite your best intentions, has a difficult time forgiving and forgetting, you are not alone.
life would be much simpler if we humans could forgive people "once and for all" and be done with it. but forgiveness is seldom that easy. for most people, the decision to forgive is straight forward, but the process of forgiving is more difficult. forgiveness is a journey that requires effort, time, perseverance, and prayer.
sometimes, it's not "the other person" whom you need to forgive; it's yourself. if you've made mistakes (and who among us hasn't?), perhaps you're continuing to bear a grudge against the person in the mirror. if so, here's a three-step process for resolving those feelings. 1. stop the harmful behavior that is the source of your self-directed anger. 2. seek forgiveness from God (and from any people whom you may have hurt). 3. ask God to cleanse your heart of all bitterness and regret.....and keep asking HIM until your feelings of anger and regret are gone.
if there exists even one person, alive or dead, whom you have not forgiven (and that includes yourself), follow God's commandment: forgive that person today. and remember that bitterness, anger, and regret are not part of God's plan for your life. forgiveness is.
perhaps you need a refresher course in the art of forgiveness. if so, it's time to open your Bible and your heart. when you do, you'll discover that God can heal your broken spirit. don't expect forgiveness to be easy or quick, but rest assured that with God as your partner, you can forgive......and you will. have an ice day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"Forgiving is a gift God has given us for healing ourselves before we are ready to help anyone else." by Dr. Lewis Smedes
life would be much simpler if we humans could forgive people "once and for all" and be done with it. but forgiveness is seldom that easy. for most people, the decision to forgive is straight forward, but the process of forgiving is more difficult. forgiveness is a journey that requires effort, time, perseverance, and prayer.
sometimes, it's not "the other person" whom you need to forgive; it's yourself. if you've made mistakes (and who among us hasn't?), perhaps you're continuing to bear a grudge against the person in the mirror. if so, here's a three-step process for resolving those feelings. 1. stop the harmful behavior that is the source of your self-directed anger. 2. seek forgiveness from God (and from any people whom you may have hurt). 3. ask God to cleanse your heart of all bitterness and regret.....and keep asking HIM until your feelings of anger and regret are gone.
if there exists even one person, alive or dead, whom you have not forgiven (and that includes yourself), follow God's commandment: forgive that person today. and remember that bitterness, anger, and regret are not part of God's plan for your life. forgiveness is.
perhaps you need a refresher course in the art of forgiveness. if so, it's time to open your Bible and your heart. when you do, you'll discover that God can heal your broken spirit. don't expect forgiveness to be easy or quick, but rest assured that with God as your partner, you can forgive......and you will. have an ice day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"Forgiving is a gift God has given us for healing ourselves before we are ready to help anyone else." by Dr. Lewis Smedes
Monday, August 13, 2007
the power of encouragement
the 118th Psalm remind us, " This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psa 118:24). as we rejoice in this day that the Lord has given us, let us remember that an important part of today's celebration is the time we spend celebrating others. each day provides countless opportunities to encourage others and to praise their good works. when we do, we not only spread seeds of joy and happiness, we also follow the commandments of God's Holy Word.
in his letter to Ephesians, Paul writes, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up accordingly to their needs, that is may benefit those who listen." (Eph 4:29). this passage reminds us that, as christians, we are instructed to choose our words carefully so as to build others up through wholesome, honest, encouragement. so, how can we build others up? easy, by celebrating their victories and their accomplishments. as the old saying goes, "When someone does something good, applaud-you'll make two people happy."
today, look for the good in others and celebrate the good that you find. when you do, you'll be a powerful force f encouragement in the world........and a worthy servant to your God. good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could." by Zig Ziglar
in his letter to Ephesians, Paul writes, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up accordingly to their needs, that is may benefit those who listen." (Eph 4:29). this passage reminds us that, as christians, we are instructed to choose our words carefully so as to build others up through wholesome, honest, encouragement. so, how can we build others up? easy, by celebrating their victories and their accomplishments. as the old saying goes, "When someone does something good, applaud-you'll make two people happy."
today, look for the good in others and celebrate the good that you find. when you do, you'll be a powerful force f encouragement in the world........and a worthy servant to your God. good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could." by Zig Ziglar
Friday, August 10, 2007
today's work
have you acquired the habit of doing first things first, or are you one of those people who put off important work until the last minute? the answer to this simple question will help determine how well you do your work and how much fun you have doing it.
God's Word teaches the value of hard work. in his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul warns, ".....if any would not work, neither should he eat" (Thess 3:10). and the book of Proverbs proclaims, "One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys." (Pro 18:9). in short, God has created a world in which diligence is rewarded and laziness is not. so, whatever it is that you choose to do, do it with commitment, excitement, and vigor. and remember this: hard work is not simply the proven way to get ahead, it's also part of God's plan for you.
Norman Vincent Peale said, "Think enthusiastically about everything, especially your work." if you're wise, you'll take that advice. when you do, you'll soon discover that the old saying is true: attitude determines altitude.
you have countless opportunities to accomplish great things for your God, for your family, and for yourself-but you should not expect the work to be easy. so pray as if everything depended upon God, but work as if everything depended upon you. when you do, you should expect very big payoffs. why? because when you and God becomes partners in your work, amazing things are bound to happen. good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"If you want to reach your potential, you need to add a strong work ethic to your talent." by John Maxwell
God's Word teaches the value of hard work. in his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul warns, ".....if any would not work, neither should he eat" (Thess 3:10). and the book of Proverbs proclaims, "One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys." (Pro 18:9). in short, God has created a world in which diligence is rewarded and laziness is not. so, whatever it is that you choose to do, do it with commitment, excitement, and vigor. and remember this: hard work is not simply the proven way to get ahead, it's also part of God's plan for you.
Norman Vincent Peale said, "Think enthusiastically about everything, especially your work." if you're wise, you'll take that advice. when you do, you'll soon discover that the old saying is true: attitude determines altitude.
you have countless opportunities to accomplish great things for your God, for your family, and for yourself-but you should not expect the work to be easy. so pray as if everything depended upon God, but work as if everything depended upon you. when you do, you should expect very big payoffs. why? because when you and God becomes partners in your work, amazing things are bound to happen. good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"If you want to reach your potential, you need to add a strong work ethic to your talent." by John Maxwell
Thursday, August 9, 2007
HE rules
the heart of God, like the hand of God, is sovereign: it reigns over all God's creation, including me and you. your challenge is to recognize God's sovereignty and live in accordance with HIS commandments. sometimes, of course, this is easier said than done.
Proverbs 3:6 gives you guidance: "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." when you think about it, the words in this verse makes a powerful promise: if you acknowledge God's sovereignty over every aspect of your life, HE will guide your path. that's an important promise. so, as you prayerfully consider the path that God intends for you to take, here are the things you should do: you should study HIS Word and be ever-watchful for HIS signs. you should associate with fellow believers who will encourage your spiritual growth. you should listen carefully to that inner voice that speaks to you in the quiet moments of your daily devotionals. and as you continually seek God's unfolding purpose for your life, you should be patient.
your Heavenly Father may not always reveal HIMSELF as quickly as you would like. but rest assured: God is sovereign, God is here, God is love, and God intends to use you in wonderful, unexpected ways. HE desires to lead you along a path of HIS choosing. your challenge is to watch, to listen, to learn......and to follow. good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"God has charged Himself with full responsibility for our eternal happiness and stands ready to take over the management of our lives the moment we turn in faith to Him" by A.W.Tozer
Proverbs 3:6 gives you guidance: "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." when you think about it, the words in this verse makes a powerful promise: if you acknowledge God's sovereignty over every aspect of your life, HE will guide your path. that's an important promise. so, as you prayerfully consider the path that God intends for you to take, here are the things you should do: you should study HIS Word and be ever-watchful for HIS signs. you should associate with fellow believers who will encourage your spiritual growth. you should listen carefully to that inner voice that speaks to you in the quiet moments of your daily devotionals. and as you continually seek God's unfolding purpose for your life, you should be patient.
your Heavenly Father may not always reveal HIMSELF as quickly as you would like. but rest assured: God is sovereign, God is here, God is love, and God intends to use you in wonderful, unexpected ways. HE desires to lead you along a path of HIS choosing. your challenge is to watch, to listen, to learn......and to follow. good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"God has charged Himself with full responsibility for our eternal happiness and stands ready to take over the management of our lives the moment we turn in faith to Him" by A.W.Tozer
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
entrusting our hopes to God
on the darkest days of our lives, we may be confronted with an illusion that seems very real indeed: the illusion of hopelessness. try though we might, we simply can't envision a solution to our problems-and we fall into the darkness of despair. during these times, we may question God-HIS love, HIS presence, even HIS very existence. despite God's promises, despite Christ's love, and despite our many blessings, we may envision little or no hope for the future. these dark days can be dangerous times for us and for our loved ones.
if you find yourself falling into the spiritual traps of worry and discouragement, seek the encouraging words of fellow christians, and the healing touch of Jesus. after all, it was Christ who promised, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation:but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
can you place your future into the hands of a loving and all-knowing God? can you live amid the uncertainties of today, knowing that God has dominion over all your tomorrow? can you summon the faith to trust God in good times and hard times? if you can, you are wise and you are blessed.
once you've made the decision to trust God completely, it's time to get busy. the willingness to take action-even if the outcome of that action is uncertain-is an effective way to combat hopelessness. when you decide to roll up your sleeves and begin solving your own problems, you'll feel empowered, and you may see the first real glimmer of hope.
if you're waiting for someone else to solve your problems, or if you're waiting for God to patch things up by HIMSELF, you may become impatient, despondent, or both. but when you stop waiting and start working, God has a way of pitching in and finishing the job. the advise of American publisher Cyrus Curtis still rings true: "Believe in the Lord and He will do half the work-the last half."
so, today and every day, ask God for these things: clear perspective, mountain-moving faith, and the courage to do what needs doing. after all, no problem is too big for God-not even yours. have a nice day !!!
quote of the day:
"When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God." by Charles Allen
if you find yourself falling into the spiritual traps of worry and discouragement, seek the encouraging words of fellow christians, and the healing touch of Jesus. after all, it was Christ who promised, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation:but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
can you place your future into the hands of a loving and all-knowing God? can you live amid the uncertainties of today, knowing that God has dominion over all your tomorrow? can you summon the faith to trust God in good times and hard times? if you can, you are wise and you are blessed.
once you've made the decision to trust God completely, it's time to get busy. the willingness to take action-even if the outcome of that action is uncertain-is an effective way to combat hopelessness. when you decide to roll up your sleeves and begin solving your own problems, you'll feel empowered, and you may see the first real glimmer of hope.
if you're waiting for someone else to solve your problems, or if you're waiting for God to patch things up by HIMSELF, you may become impatient, despondent, or both. but when you stop waiting and start working, God has a way of pitching in and finishing the job. the advise of American publisher Cyrus Curtis still rings true: "Believe in the Lord and He will do half the work-the last half."
so, today and every day, ask God for these things: clear perspective, mountain-moving faith, and the courage to do what needs doing. after all, no problem is too big for God-not even yours. have a nice day !!!
quote of the day:
"When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God." by Charles Allen
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
1 of the most succesful advertisement in Malaysia ! Malaysia Boleh !
Malaysia has not really been known to come up with super creative or super impact ads over the years, but this particular ad really took the nation's attention by storm. as a Malaysian, i feel proud that we can come up with such great ads and just hope that this is just the beginning of greater things to come for our nation !!! Malaysia Boleh !!! 50 years and still going !!! May God bless our country !!!
the disciplined life
are you a self-disciplined person? if so, congratulations.....if not, it's time to think hard and long about your values, your priorities, and your habits. God's Word makes it clear that HE doesn't reward laziness, misbehavior, or apathy. to the contrary, HE expects believers (like you and me) to behave with dignity and discipline.
we live in a world where leisure is glorified and indifference is often glamorized-but God has bigger things in store for you. HE did not create you for a life of mediocrity; HE created you for far greater things. God has given you a unique assortment of talents and opportunities........and HE expects you to use them. but beware: it is not always easy to cultivate those talents.
sometimes, you must invest countless hours (or, in some cases, many years) honing your skills. and that's perfectly okay with God, because He understands that self-discipline is a blessing, not a burden.
when you pause to consider how much work needs to be done, you'll realize that self-discipline is not simply a proven way to get ahead, it's also an integral part of God's plan for your life. if you genuinely seek to be faithful stewards of your time, your talents, and your resources, you must adopt a disciplined approach to life. otherwise, your talents may go unused and your resources may be squandered.
so, as you plan for your future, remember this: life's greatest rewards are unlikely to fall into your lap; to the contrary, your greatest accomplishments will probably require lots of work and plenty of self-discipline. and it's up to you to behave accordingly. good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"A spiritual life without discipline is impossible. Discipline is the other side of discipleship. The practice of a spiritual discipline makes us more sensitive to the small, gentle voice of God." by Henri Nouwen
we live in a world where leisure is glorified and indifference is often glamorized-but God has bigger things in store for you. HE did not create you for a life of mediocrity; HE created you for far greater things. God has given you a unique assortment of talents and opportunities........and HE expects you to use them. but beware: it is not always easy to cultivate those talents.
sometimes, you must invest countless hours (or, in some cases, many years) honing your skills. and that's perfectly okay with God, because He understands that self-discipline is a blessing, not a burden.
when you pause to consider how much work needs to be done, you'll realize that self-discipline is not simply a proven way to get ahead, it's also an integral part of God's plan for your life. if you genuinely seek to be faithful stewards of your time, your talents, and your resources, you must adopt a disciplined approach to life. otherwise, your talents may go unused and your resources may be squandered.
so, as you plan for your future, remember this: life's greatest rewards are unlikely to fall into your lap; to the contrary, your greatest accomplishments will probably require lots of work and plenty of self-discipline. and it's up to you to behave accordingly. good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"A spiritual life without discipline is impossible. Discipline is the other side of discipleship. The practice of a spiritual discipline makes us more sensitive to the small, gentle voice of God." by Henri Nouwen
Friday, August 3, 2007
Christ-centered leadership
the old saying is familiar and true: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. as believers, we are called to imitate, as best as we can, the carpenter from Galilee. imitating Christ is often difficult and sometimes impossible, but as christians, we must continue to try.
this generation faces problems that defy easy solutions, yet face them we must. to do so, we need leaders whose vision is clear and whose intentions are pure. Daniel writes, "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever." (Dan 12:3). that's why our world needs leaders who willingly honor God with their words and their deeds, but not necessarily in that order.
if you seek to be such a leader, then you must begin by making yourself a worthy example to your family, to your friends, to your church, and to your community. after all, your words will always seem insincere unless you are willing to live by them.
Christ-centered leadership is always an exercise in service: service to God in heaven and service to HIS children here on earth. Christ willingly became servant to HIS followers, and you must seek to do the same for yours. and as you serve others, you must also do your best to inspire them. so, how can you do so you may ask? simple, by becoming genuinely inspired yourself.
are you excited about serving God? and are you willing to encourage others to do likewise? hopefully, you can answer those questions in affirmative. unfortunately, far too many christians
seem bored with their faith and stressed by their service. don't allow yourself to become one of them! serve God with thanksgiving in your heart and praise in our lips. make your service to HIM a time of celebration and praise. worship your Creator by working for HIM, joyfully, faithfully, and often.
and finally, ask yourself this question: are you the kind of servant-leader whom you would want to follow? if so, congratulations: you are honoring your Saviour by imitating HIM. and that, of course, is the sincerest form of flattery. good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"a wise leader chooses a variety of gifted individuals. He complements his strengths." by Charles Stanley
this generation faces problems that defy easy solutions, yet face them we must. to do so, we need leaders whose vision is clear and whose intentions are pure. Daniel writes, "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever." (Dan 12:3). that's why our world needs leaders who willingly honor God with their words and their deeds, but not necessarily in that order.
if you seek to be such a leader, then you must begin by making yourself a worthy example to your family, to your friends, to your church, and to your community. after all, your words will always seem insincere unless you are willing to live by them.
Christ-centered leadership is always an exercise in service: service to God in heaven and service to HIS children here on earth. Christ willingly became servant to HIS followers, and you must seek to do the same for yours. and as you serve others, you must also do your best to inspire them. so, how can you do so you may ask? simple, by becoming genuinely inspired yourself.
are you excited about serving God? and are you willing to encourage others to do likewise? hopefully, you can answer those questions in affirmative. unfortunately, far too many christians
seem bored with their faith and stressed by their service. don't allow yourself to become one of them! serve God with thanksgiving in your heart and praise in our lips. make your service to HIM a time of celebration and praise. worship your Creator by working for HIM, joyfully, faithfully, and often.
and finally, ask yourself this question: are you the kind of servant-leader whom you would want to follow? if so, congratulations: you are honoring your Saviour by imitating HIM. and that, of course, is the sincerest form of flattery. good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"a wise leader chooses a variety of gifted individuals. He complements his strengths." by Charles Stanley
Thursday, August 2, 2007
the optimistic christian
are you a hope-filled enthusiastic christian? you should be. after all, as a believer, you have every reason to be optimistic about your life here on earth and your eternal life in heaven. as english clergyman William Ralph Inge observed, "No Christian should be a pessimist, for Christianity is a system of radical optimism." Inge's words are most certainly true, but sometimes, you may find yourself pulled down by the inevitable concerns of everyday life. if you find yourself discouraged, exhausted, or both, then it's time to ask yourself this question: what's bothering you, and why?
if you're overly worried by the inevitable ups and downs of life, God wants to have a little chat with you. after all, God has made promises to you that HE intends to keep. and if your life has been transformed by God's only begotten Son, then you, as a recipient of God's grace, have every reason to live courageously.
are you willing to trust God's plans for your life? hopefully, you will trust HIM completely, it's never easy you know. after all, the words of the Psalmist make it clear: "The ways of God are without fault. The Lord's words are pure. He is a shield to those who trust him" (Psalm 18:30)
Woodroll Kroll noted, "Ir our minds are stayed upon God, His peace will rule the affairs entertained by our minds. If, on the other hand, we allow our minds to dwell on the cares of this world, God's peace will be far from our thoughts." these words my friends let me tell you, are very strong words and it should serve as a reminder that even when the challenges of the day seem daunting, God remains steadfast. and, so should you.
so make this promise to yourself and keep it-vow to be an expectant, faith-filled christian. think optimistically about your life, your profession, your family, your future, and your purpose of living. trust your hopes, not your fears. take time to celebrate God's glorious creation. and then, when you've filled your heart with hope and gladness, share your optimism with others. they'll better for it, and so will you. have a nice day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"Other men see only hopeless end, but the Christian rejoices in an endless hope." by Gilbert M.Beeken
if you're overly worried by the inevitable ups and downs of life, God wants to have a little chat with you. after all, God has made promises to you that HE intends to keep. and if your life has been transformed by God's only begotten Son, then you, as a recipient of God's grace, have every reason to live courageously.
are you willing to trust God's plans for your life? hopefully, you will trust HIM completely, it's never easy you know. after all, the words of the Psalmist make it clear: "The ways of God are without fault. The Lord's words are pure. He is a shield to those who trust him" (Psalm 18:30)
Woodroll Kroll noted, "Ir our minds are stayed upon God, His peace will rule the affairs entertained by our minds. If, on the other hand, we allow our minds to dwell on the cares of this world, God's peace will be far from our thoughts." these words my friends let me tell you, are very strong words and it should serve as a reminder that even when the challenges of the day seem daunting, God remains steadfast. and, so should you.
so make this promise to yourself and keep it-vow to be an expectant, faith-filled christian. think optimistically about your life, your profession, your family, your future, and your purpose of living. trust your hopes, not your fears. take time to celebrate God's glorious creation. and then, when you've filled your heart with hope and gladness, share your optimism with others. they'll better for it, and so will you. have a nice day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"Other men see only hopeless end, but the Christian rejoices in an endless hope." by Gilbert M.Beeken
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
finding contentment in a discontented world
topic today sounds long, hopefully i won't be long in explaining it....hehehe !! anyways, here we go: guys, when we conduct ourselves in ways that are opposed to God's commandments, we rob ourselves of God's peace. when we fall prey to the temptations and distractions of our irreverent age, we rob ourselves of God's blessings. when we become preoccupied with material possessions of personal status, we forfeit the contentment that is rightfully ours in Christ.
so, where can we find lasting contentment? is it a result of wealth, or power, or fame? guess not. genuine contentment is a gift from God to those who follow HIS commandments and accept HIS Son. when Christ dwells at the center of our families and our lives, contentment will belong to us just as surely as we belong to HIM. do you seek happiness, abundance, and contentment? if so, here are some things that you should do: love God and HIS Son; depend upon God for strength; try, to the best of your abilities, to follow God's will; and strive to obey HIS Holy Word. when you do these things, you'll discover that happiness goes hand-in-hand with righteousness. the happiest people are not those who rebel against God; the happiest people are those who love God and obey HIS commandments.
what does life have in store for you? well, what i can say is, a world full of possibilities (of course it's up to you to seize them), and God's promise of abundance (of course it's up to you to accept it). so, as you embark upon the next phase of your journey, remember to celebrate the life that God has given you. your Creator has blessed you beyond measure. honor HIM with your prayers, your words, your deeds, and your joy.
now, are you a thoroughly contented christian? if so, then you are well aware of the healing power of the risen Christ. but if your spirit is temporarily troubled, perhaps you need to focus less upon your own priorities and more upon God's priorities. when you do, you'll discover this life-changing truth: genuine contentment begins with God......and ends there. have a good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"God is most satisfied in us when we are most satisfied in him." by John Piper
so, where can we find lasting contentment? is it a result of wealth, or power, or fame? guess not. genuine contentment is a gift from God to those who follow HIS commandments and accept HIS Son. when Christ dwells at the center of our families and our lives, contentment will belong to us just as surely as we belong to HIM. do you seek happiness, abundance, and contentment? if so, here are some things that you should do: love God and HIS Son; depend upon God for strength; try, to the best of your abilities, to follow God's will; and strive to obey HIS Holy Word. when you do these things, you'll discover that happiness goes hand-in-hand with righteousness. the happiest people are not those who rebel against God; the happiest people are those who love God and obey HIS commandments.
what does life have in store for you? well, what i can say is, a world full of possibilities (of course it's up to you to seize them), and God's promise of abundance (of course it's up to you to accept it). so, as you embark upon the next phase of your journey, remember to celebrate the life that God has given you. your Creator has blessed you beyond measure. honor HIM with your prayers, your words, your deeds, and your joy.
now, are you a thoroughly contented christian? if so, then you are well aware of the healing power of the risen Christ. but if your spirit is temporarily troubled, perhaps you need to focus less upon your own priorities and more upon God's priorities. when you do, you'll discover this life-changing truth: genuine contentment begins with God......and ends there. have a good day all of you !!!
quote of the day:
"God is most satisfied in us when we are most satisfied in him." by John Piper
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